Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Love the skin you're in!

Well, the holidays are over & before you know it Valentine’s day will be among us.  I know that a lot of women are unhappy with their bodies.  Gosh, I think ALL women have something they don’t like about themselves.  However, our partners seem to like our bodies….LOL

Why not do something unique and special for that special someone in your life???  In the photography industry we have a little acronym for many male photographers out there…we call him COGWC!  You know, that “creepy old guy with camera” who SAYS he is a photographer just to get women to take their clothes off.  Fortunately that is  NOT me!  LOL

I have had the pleasure of taking what is now being called “boudoir” pics of several female clients.  One wanted a 2010 calendar to give her significant other on their anniversary, another for a slide show to show her’s on a private evening and others who just wanted some sexy photos of themselves for when that special someone showed up.  Whatever you reason is…I am here to help you.

Many women say “I don’t have the body to do that”…..NOT TRUE!  Anyone can have gorgeous, beautiful, sexy photos.  It is all about how the photos are taken.  ANGLES, ANGLES, ANGLES….

If you take pictures from different angles & also change certain positions of your body you will find great photos.  Just ask several of my clients.  One of my clients had to go through about a hundred unedited pics to find her favorites and told me that she had a hard time narrowing it down to 35 because “I’ve never liked so many pictures of myself before”.

Yes, it is true.  It is really all about being comfortable with your photographer, taking photos at flattering angles, and positioning your body if there is a “problem area” that you don’t like.  Here is a collage of a few of my favorite photos.  As you will see; each one is unique in its own way.  It doesn’t matter your size….it is about YOU and capturing how beautiful you are INSIDE & OUT.


I am offering an exclusive special if you want to do something in time for Valentine’s day.  $100 and you get a private session in your home for 1.5 hours and a 12 month 2010 calendar with your 12 favorite pics (and a pic for the cover too).  If you are not interested in a calendar, just let me know and we can work out your own unique special package.  I have lots of products to offer.  Just email me for more details.

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