Monday, March 8, 2010

N00B Profile: Lara Bingle vs. Fev- ** ! TOPLESS PICS HERE ! **

So… it’s a tough question… is Fev in the wrong? funnily enough I say yes. BUT what Lara Bingle has done is just as bad!

What Fev did is not good at all… but hey? Fev is Fev so why would Lara not check the camera phone? Seriously??? Who would trust Fevola with anything? Especially when it’s with your NAKED BODY. Which of course nobody has seen before, or have they?

Haven’t you posed nude numerous times before Lara?

And yet before this incident 99% of people didn’t want to know who you are?

And after this incident you cashed in with Womans Day Magazine for around $200,000 and are the talk of the town?

So, basically, Lara Bingle has used this “incident” to her advantage and wasn’t fussed if these images got out because of the press she would get. And besides, people have seen it all before.

So who do I blame?

Of course Fev for taking the photo, BUT, if Lara wanted to actually CHECK THE PHONE, the photo would have been gone.

Just like this article…


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