Monday, November 16, 2009

Strip Club and the Church - Part One

This weekend I read about a strip club in Las Vegas that was advertising their club via a truck they drove up and down the strip.  Now this was no ordinary truck.  This truck had clear panels so you could see the dancers inside dancing.  Yep a portable strip club right there driving around complete with girls, poles, lights, music, and ultra high heel shoes.  I would imagine they grabbed a little attention.

My first thought about this marketing ploy was “wow what an amazing, creative idea”.

Next thought was what if the church took this same approach?

I’m not saying have a truck driving around with strippers, while that would grab some attention I don’t think that is the correct route to take.  What I am saying is when will our local churches get BOLD with their advertising?  Not just flyers in the mail, a billboard, or a website.  I mean stepping out, reaching the people, showing them what living in Christ is all about, in a bold way.

Think about this; I would imagine that this strip club has neon on their building as well as shapes of women which could attract those looking for, well, a strip club.  Yet instead of just sitting back waiting for the crowds to show up they went out to the people said ‘hello Vegas, here we are, look at us. Here is what we have to offer’ and it worked.  I understand that their business is booming.

Contrast that to the church where we put a cross on the roof, name it with a name that sounds like a cemetery, then sit back and wait.

I believe our product is much better than what the strip clubs are selling. So let’s act like it!  Get creative! Get crazy! Go wild! Get BOLD! Find a way to get people to church, to hear God’s word, and have a BLAST doing it.

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